The Top 50 Most Played Words in Scrabble that Contain the Letter Y

Here are the 50 most played words in Scrabble that contain the letter "Y". The words are presented in playrank order, meaning YE is the most often played word of the bunch, NY is the second most often played word, and so on down the list. This information only applies to games played under the SOWPODS official tournament word list.

There are 38,027 legal y-words in the SOWPODS list, but the 50 words presented below account for over 38% of all y-word plays! Putting that another way, if a y-word is used in a game then there is a 38% chance that it is in the list below.

All of these words are commonly played and should be memorized.

1. ye
2. ny
3. ya
4. ay
5. yo
6. oy
7. yu
8. fy
9. by
10. my
11. ky
12. aye
13. nye
14. oye
15. ony
16. any
17. ayu
18. yae
19. eye
20. aby
21. yex
22. jay
23. yen
24. bye
25. yet
26. yea
27. joy
28. wey
29. yeh
30. you
31. rya
32. yar
33. kye
34. yon
35. oxy
36. yad
37. noy
38. fay
39. yow
40. yaw
41. fey
42. nay
43. yug
44. yod
45. yag
46. toy
47. day
48. yid
49. tay
50. yin

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