The Top 25 Most Played Words in Scrabble that Start with the Letter X

Surprisingly, there are 303 playable Scrabble words that start with the letter "X", words like XEROX, the chemical element XENON, XENOPHOBIA, and the Greek letter XI.

However, words starting with "X" are rarely played:  In the list below, only the first three words (shown in red) are played regularly.  After about the 9th word in the list (XERIC) there is a dramatic drop off in how often the words are seen.  It is sufficient for the intermediate level player to memorize just these 25 words since other words starting with "X" will rarely be seen.

As usual the list applies only to SOWPODS and is presented in playrank order, meaning the earlier a word is in the list the more often it gets played and the more useful it is to memorize.

1. xi
2. xu
3. xis
4. xenia
5. xoana
6. xenon
7. xenic
8. xenial
9. xeric
10. xyst
11. xysti
12. xerus
13. xebec
14. xenias
15. xylan
16. xeroma
17. xenons
18. xoanon
19. xylem
20. xebecs
21. xenium
22. xylene
23. xystoi
24. xylic
25. xylol

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