The Top 25 Most Played Words in Scrabble that Contain the Letter Q but Do Not Start with Q

Here are the 25 most played words in Scrabble that contain the letter "Q" but do not start with "Q". The words are presented in playrank order starting with the most often played word SUQ. This list is applicable to the SOWPODS official tournament word list only.

Under SOWPODS, there are only 6 words in Scrabble that end with the letter "Q". Yet four of these words are in the list below, highlighted in red. This indicates how often the opportunity arises to play a word ending in "Q"; otherwise such words would not appear very often since there are so few of them!

The remaining two words that end in "Q" are TSADDIQ and TZADDIQ (note these are just the same word spelled with either an "S" or a "Z"). These two words are very rarely played; they are, however, bingos.

1. suq
2. aqua
3. tranq
4. niqab
5. equid
6. faqir
7. aquae
8. talaq
9. waqf
10. roque
11. suqs
12. toque
13. tranqs
14. fique
15. equip
16. equate
17. equine
18. waqfs
19. squiz
20. umiaq
21. faqirs
22. equids
23. squeg
24. burqa
25. equal

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