The Top 50 Most Played Words in Scrabble that Contain the Letter X

Here are the 50 most played words in Scrabble that contain the letter "X".  The words are presented in playrank order starting with the most often played word of the bunch XI.  This list is applicable to the SOWPODS official tournament word list only.

There are 6832 legal x-words in the SOWPODS list, but the 50 words presented below account for over 67% of all x-word plays!  Putting that another way, if an x-word is used in a game then there is a 67% chance that it is in the list below.  You will get much more usage out of these 50 words than out of the remaining 6782 x-words combined.  In fact, you'll get slightly more usage out of the first 16 words in the list than out of all remaining x-words combined.

However, XI is played very often.  If we don't include XI then the 49 remaining words in the list account for 58% of all x-word plays -- still a large amount!

1. xi
2. ex
3. ax
4. ox
5. xu
6. exo
7. axe
8. oxo
9. xis
10. rex
11. zax
12. dex
13. hex
14. wex
15. tex
16. vex
17. rax
18. fax
19. exon
20. lax
21. tax
22. yex
23. gox
24. nox
25. wax
26. vox
27. wox
28. zex
29. hox
30. pax
31. nix
32. lox
33. lex
34. tix
35. kex
36. box
37. max
38. wexe
39. fox
40. oxy
41. axed
42. sax
43. pix
44. sex
45. cox
46. six
47. pox
48. vext
49. axel
50. sox

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