The Top 25 Most Played Words in Scrabble that Start with the Letter J

Here are the 25 most played words in Scrabble that start with the letter "J". The words are presented in playrank order, meaning JA is the most played word of the bunch, JO is the second most played, and so on down the list. This information only applies to games played using the SOWPODS official word list.

All of these words are commonly played and should be memorized.

1. ja
2. jo
3. jai
4. joe
5. jar
6. jor
7. jaw
8. jot
9. jag
10. jet
11. jin
12. jow
13. jol
14. jog
15. jee
16. jab
17. jam
18. jay
19. job
20. jap
21. joy
22. jew
23. jiz
24. jail
25. jig

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