The Top 50 Most Played Words in Scrabble that Contain the Letter C

Here are the 50 most played words in Scrabble that contain the letter "C". The words are presented in playrank order, meaning CH is the most often played word of the bunch, CHE is the second most often played word, and so on down the list. This information only applies to games played under the SOWPODS official tournament word list.

There are 84,663 legal c-words in the SOWPODS list, but the 50 words presented below account for over 14% of all c-word plays! Putting that another way, if a c-word is used in a game then there is a 14% chance that it is in the list below.

The first 27 of these words are commonly played and should be memorized. The remainder are played regularly.

1. ch
2. che
3. chi
4. cha
5. rec
6. tec
7. cee
8. tic
9. ech
10. cox
11. ich
12. caw
13. cid
14. cel
15. cit
16. ach
17. caz
18. pic
19. arc
20. orc
21. cow
22. pec
23. och
24. vac
25. caa
26. hic
27. coo
28. cob
29. cad
30. toc
31. myc
32. cag
33. doc
34. car
35. con
36. cor
37. mic
38. coz
39. cod
40. bac
41. lac
42. cuz
43. eco
44. cig
45. cab
46. can
47. cop
48. cur
49. cay
50. cat

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