The Top 50 Most Played Words in Scrabble that Contain the Letter Q

Here are the 50 most played words in Scrabble that contain the letter "Q". The words are presented in order starting with the most often played one. This list is applicable to the SOWPODS official tournament word list only.

All together, these words are played 2.3 times more often than all remaining Q-words combined. That makes it far more worthwhile and efficient to memorize these 50 words than the next 1800 or so. However, if we don't include the word QI then the ratio falls to 1.1 times. QI gets played a lot... more often than the next 49 words in the list combined!

1. qi
2. qis
3. qat
4. qadi
5. qats
6. suq
7. qua
8. qaid
9. aqua
10. tranq
11. qadis
12. quai
13. qanat
14. quag
15. quod
16. quad
17. niqab
18. equid
19. quep
20. faqir
21. aquae
22. talaq
23. quin
24. waqf
25. quay
26. queen
27. qorma
28. roque
29. quoif
30. quim
31. quid
32. quat
33. quiet
34. quiz
35. qibla
36. quit
37. qoph
38. quair
39. quey
40. qintar
41. quoad
42. quop
43. suqs
44. quino
45. quern
46. quate
47. quean
48. queer
49. qaids
50. toque

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