Here is a list of every Scrabble word playable under SOWPODS that contains only vowels and no consonants. For this purpose we consider the letters "AEIOU" to be the only vowels (not "Y"). The words are presented in playrank order, meaning EE is the most often played word of the bunch, IO is the second most often played word, and so on down the list. This information only applies to games played under the SOWPODS official tournament word list.
All of these words (even EUOUAE) are seen regularly in games. The first 13 are played extremely often; memorize them all.
1. ee
2. io
3. ea
4. oe
5. ae
6. ai
7. oi
8. aa
9. ou
10. oo
11. aia
12. euoi
13. eau
14. aue
15. aua
16. euouae
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